The Evil Look
I'm not feeling all that great, I seemed to have caught a nasty cold that's circulating the office. I just got back from Walgreens all stocked up on Puffs tissue, honey for my tea, airborne lozenges, Shower Soothers (which I'm a HUGE fan of) and chocolate. (Rachel, you put one of these bad boys in your shower so the water falls on it, and it releases a menthol vapor that allows you to breathe and opens up your sinsus'. I absolutely love the Vanilla Mint scent and I swear these things are the greatest thing ever!!) The chocolate is for the "starve a fever, feed a cold" advice :-) So I'm feeding my cold.
It's so hard to focus at work, when you don't feel well and all you can think about is Christmas shopping, baking Christmas cookies, warm fires, hot cocoa and a good book. I've got all my lists typed up of what I plan to bake, buy and wrap. Now I just need the time to do it all.
I've included a video that Angela a friend of mine from work sent me - I laugh so hard every time I watch it.
Kristin is getting on a plane this afternoon to make her way out to Nashville. I've got a fun weekend planned of relaxation, yummy food and holiday stuff. Monday she turns 25!! So its sort of a Christmas-Happy-Birthday-Kris-Weekend! I can't wait till she gets here...well actually I can, I still have to clean the floors and make up her room. I'll get some pics from the weekend to post next week.
Shower Soothers? Sounds like something wonderful I've been missing out on. Hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful weekend with your sis'. love ya
Ah gee... I made it into your actual blog post. I feel a cold coming on myself; I might have to give those Shower Soothers a test run.
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