27 days to go!
I'm very excited to begin my new life with Jason in Nashville, TN - at the same time, it's very bittersweet. I have such a wonderful family and incredible friends that I will be leaving behind. And yet at the same time, I have learned through practice, that distance does not need to seperate or weaken relationships. Some of the closest friendships I have, are long-distance and have only deepened with time. Absence can truly make the heart grow fonder, if you let it. Many years ago, I was prophesied over by a man named Doug Sherman who said that he saw me"going beyond what I knew as home" and that he saw me corresponding through letters - well here ya go, its all beginning to unfold.

2 weeks ago Jason and I headed back to Nashville for a few days with our dear friends Tina & Jay Frees. We had a fabulous time and we met some new friends, saw some sights and even secured our new apartment. While trying to figure out a place to live, Jason had remembered that when he had first moved to Nashville he roomed with some guys at a complex called Twin Oaks not to far from the airport in Nashville. We checked it out and they had a couple apartments available that were 2 bed/2 ba and 1250 sq ft - ALL FOR $775 A MONTH! Can you believe it? The change in the cost of living will sure be a nice change for us. It's perfect for a guest room and seperate bath too - so we can have our friends & family come stay with us when they visit.
So now we're in a process of preparing to move. We've hired a moving company to pick up on our stuff on Friday the 14th of April and then we'll stay the weekend with my parents while Jason gets in a couple more nights of work and then we're off on our roadtrip across America! We love roadtrips - and I'm so excited to make some really fun memories with Jason during those 8 days we're on the road! So far our stops include a couple nights at my cousins in Montana, a stop in Denver, CO where we'll see a Colorado Rockies game and also stay the night. Then we're off to Mill's, New Mexico (hopefully) for a night or two to stay with some friends of Jason's on thier ranch, a night in Amarillo, TX with the Skypala's and then finally our last night at a B&B near Little Rock, Arkansas. I can't even tell you how excited I am!!!
As we get closer to moving, I'll try to get some more pictures to post on the blog!
Kim and Jason,
I am so pleased that you are doing this so that all of the people who have loved you here in the Seattle area can keep up with your new life.
debbie kellogg
Kinda funny that we all thought you were crazy for meeting your husband on the internet and now your main communication with all of us is the internet. Crazy world isn't it?
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