So it appears I'm not doing the best at keeping up with my blog - sorry folks for the delay, we've had our hands pretty full lately. Other than unpacking and getting settled, we also had Jason's surgery a week and a half ago. It went fabulous, I think he was a better patient than I was. Those of you that know me well, I don't do hospitals very well. But boy was I praying. I was stretched that day for sure. Jason was brave & silly as usual, joking around in pre-op, while I was white as a sheet and curled up in a chair in the corner. 3 1/2 hours after his surgery we were ready to head home. I had never seen anyone come out of an anesthetic like that before - he was jerking around grabbing at the nurse and myself, talking loud and slurring like he was drunker than a skunk. It was funny and scary at the same time. I will admit though I got us home with flying colors!! His recovery is going great with his knee, he's had no pain at all - however, because he has been overcompensating with the other leg so much, he has managed to pinch his siadic nerve in the same leg he had surgery on and his muscles have tightened so badly that he is often stretching and taking cortizone pills for the inflammation. We're praying that the swelling will go down and his muscles will relax and stretch back out so that feeling will return in his heel and toes and he will have full strength in his leg again.

And finally, some other fun things to share is that Jason had a writing appointment today in which he wrote a complete song with another co-writer called, "See Jane Go, See Dick Cry". And then later this week he'll be writing again with Chuck Wicks, who was recently signed with RCA Records and was the one that co-wrote & sang "Right Where We Belong". His friend Marc Beeson will also be joining them to write - some of you might know one of his songs as "When She Cries" by Restless Heart. Then on Wednesday, he'll be laying the guitar vocal for "Deeper", another recently finished song of his, with his friend & co-writer Jeff Batson (who was also a best man in our wedding).

Please don't forget to leave a comment, we would love to hear from all of you!!
i just figured out how to leave a comment....so here you go! i was definitely ready for an update - keep em coming. glad to hear you guys are doing well, i want more pictures! you know i'm a picture freak. did you get your thank you postcard? it's time for you now....come on girl. let's get a email conversation going....now that you have internet at home?
things are great here - love you,
That is so cool to have all the sister's together! Thanks for keeping us all posted on your doin's over there. Miss you!
I love you bunches! And that was the best suprise ever...i think one of the highlights of the first leg of tour was that sunday with you, kris, and i and then dancing "Here is our King" and looking up at you and kris (even if i did fall over at the start!). That is what I think about everytime I do that dance now. I miss you so much and I treasure the time we get to be together as the "kelly girls." I am already looking forward to Ellensburg my cowgirl sister! I am praying for you and Jase- and I love you two terribly! I hope Jason looks at this blog often too--- i would love to read an update written by him sometime, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I LOVE YOU! I hope Jason's knee, and nerve are doing better! All my love, katydid
Hey, i really like Jason's new song..and i like hearing you two sing it!!! I love you both so much, and I am praying for you, and especially for Sherry and Jerry, and the rest of your fam Jason. I only knew Billy and Betty shortly, but they won a place in my heart very quickly. Betty especially became dear to me immediately. I am sad I will not get to know them better, but they are an incredible couple, and I know you are all at peace. I love you two more than you'll every know! love your sis, kati
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