11 days to go and counting!
The packing is almost done! Jason and I have been working our tails off boxing everything up. If it wasn't for my sweet dear husband, I would be losing my mind! It's been an emotional time knowing I'll be leaving some friends and family and yet being so excited to start new in Nashville.
7 days left of work to go!! I've just recently hit my 5 year mark with Revenue Science as an Executive Assistant. It's been a long haul and I've learned a lot through working here, but I'm looking forward to the change of scenery. As far as working in Nashville, I haven't found a job just yet, but I'm not really anxious about finding one right away either. I'll be getting some vacation pay from my company which will help us out with our move and also so I can take some time off to be with Jason for a while. He has his knee surgery scheduled for May 3rd, which will be great that I can be home with him the whole week he's recovering. Spending the week on the road together and then the week while he's recovering will be the most time we've had together since our honeymoon - I'm so looking forward to it!!
A main goal of mine once we move is to really focus getting our invitation business up and running. We've decided to call it Finer Points. I'm going to work on building a website, buying some ads online with local wedding websites and building my portfolio. We've also just purchased our first computer! I have been looking at one in particular for some time and it went way down in price & I got a great deal!! I was so excited once we purchased it, that I was doing a little dance while I was at work!

And finally it appears as though I have two new younger sisters - Kolleen & Katherine, twins and both 11 years old. They're cousins of ours and moved in with my parents just a couple weeks ago. Just when my parents thought they had an empty nest, now they can stay entertained for a few more years :-) (love ya dad...). So as we've been busy packing up to move our own things, my parents also have been busy packing things up and moving stuff around to give the girls each a room of thier own at my parents house.
Well that seems to be all the news for now...I'll try to get some pictures up shortly!
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