OK! So I'm back in the game! I'm so sorry for the delay in updating my blog, but once we got back from Seattle, I hit the ground running and have been working like crazy without a spare moment for anything!
Seattle was great - the weather was gorgeous. It wasn't exactly the most restful of family vacations, but it was good to see family and friends. I took a few pictures too that turned out really great - well I guess I should say Kati took a few pictures...she's good at that.
On our way back, we had a little drama. I got stopped not once, but TWICE going through security for my makeup. Yeah - lame. Apparantly makeup now consitutes as creams and lotion type material. But does this go for all the other airports in the United States? Oh no! Just Seattle. So thankfully, I had my backpack, cause I had to either check my backpack back at checkin with all my makeup or they were going to confiscate it all. Yeah right. Eventually we

Ok, so enough about our flight home. While we were in Seattle, we crammed in as much as we could to see everyone we loved. Since I have no idea when I'll be back in Seattle again, I wanted to get in as much time as I could with as many loved ones as possible. We flew in late Wednesday night and hung out with the family till pretty late just catching up. Then on Thursday we had a picnic over at mom and dad's - which was a great idea of mom's by the way. Quite a few people

Ok - so deep breath...I started to get a bit deep there. All that to say, next year, I'll be going to the rodeo with just my sisters and keeping the day sacred. :-) On Sunday, Jason and I joined the family for church at Kirkland and afterward went out to Claimjumpers for lunch. We don't have Claimjumpers in the South, and we love their food. It was a lot of fun. The whole family was there, plus a few friends and it was so great to hang out with Karen King and Kevin King and the Sandstroms. Once lunch was over, the Sandstroms took us around Lake Washington on their boat! Jason had never been out on the lake before, and it was so fun to sit back and watch the sunset reflecting off the lake. We got some great pictures of the city too.
Monday was Labor Day and I had reserved the day to hang out with Tina & Jay Frees and their kids, Addie, Jeshua and Jaida over at Jay's moms house. She has a gorgeous place across on Kingston in the middle of some woods. It was so quiet and peaceful. Roy & Loree Rowland were

Over the course of my trip, I did get a bit injured. A bike fell on me and caused a somewhat small bruise on the side of my leg by my knee. It hurt but I didn't think a whole lot of it. Well thing is, I flew the next two days....which is really not the best thing for bruises. This sucker swelled up so big that I still have big ol knot on the side of my leg the size of a raquetball. It got all purple and blue and some people at work said I should really get it checked out in case it could be a blood clot. So off I went in search of a doctor. Dr. Steve Hai took one look at it and said, "That's quite a hickey you got there." My instructions have been to take a lot of Ibuprofen, ice continually and knock myself out with narcotics at night. I go back in to Dr. Steve tomorrow and if the swelling still doesn't go down a whole lot more, he said they may need to drain it! SO PRAY!!! I know it seems weird and dumb that I'm talking about a bruise, but this thing got so freakin big from the flying and with all the

And then to finish off our trip, we came home from Kingston Sunday night and chilled with mom and dad for a few hours before hitting the sack and flying out Tuesday afternoon. And you know where it went from there with the whole Atlanta thing.
So there's the jist of our trip to Seattle. Enjoy the pictures and I'll be back in a couple days to fill you in on life since we've been back home!!
Kim and Jason this was the best five days I have had since you left. I loved the time we had together. I'm glad I didn't go to the airport with you it was hard enough saying good byee at the house. I'm going to try to come see you on one of my school breaks if I can find someone for the girls. I love the pictures they keep the visit like it was just yesterday. Love you two, you make me laugh. It gives me joy to see you so happy.
Love Mom oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Oh. Mom that was so sweet. Miss you guys already. I had a blast at the rodeo and and next Kati and I will have to plan a trip over there on one of our school breaks or something. : )
Kristin Faith
Kimmee: It was so awesome to see you and Jason! :)
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