OK, so officially its still Father's Day here in Nashville and I'm sitting at home thinking about how much I wish I could be with my family today. They went out and celebrated Father's Day by having dinner together. Though of course my dad got in a few hours of work at the office, like we knew he would, I'm still very glad that the rest of the family was able to be with him for a lovely dinner this evening.
But now a moment for my dad....Dad, I miss you so much today, words don't even express it. It felt very cliche' to think of going to get you a card, it just didn't seem enough. So, thankfully with this blog, I can give you a little more honor than that. To be honest, the last couple weeks I've really been missing you and our times together. I keep hoping I would get my phonecall at work asking me to meet you for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. I never took for granted the times that we were able to spend together. Just yesterday Jason and I went to a movie and as I walked into the theater and smelled the popcorn, I thought of all the times that we shared going to the movies. I couldn't help but tear up a bit. I think it was probably my favorite thing to do with you. We would of course have to get there early to see the previews, buy a large popcorn, soda, ice cream and find

the perfect seats. And after the movie was over, we would sit there till every one would exit the theater and then rush off to buy more tickets to do it all over again! Well, maybe we only did that a few times, with the back to back flicks, but I sure loved it. Ok, well it might be a tie between the movies and hobby shops.
You understand me and share my passions; reading, hobbies, the love of being surrounded by nature and water, the quiet of a house and a cup of coffee... there are so many things that make me miss you so much on this day. I remember in our Edmonds house, I would sit in the huge old blue velvet chair in your den and admire all the beautiful leather bound books on the shelves. We would spend hours listening to the Bible on tape and finally when I was thirteen upon finishing the Bible from Genesis to Revelation together, you took me to celebrate at the Space Needle for dinner. That still to this day is the only time I've ever been up there. You taught me how to put a car model together, it was a purple camaro.

Over the years, you've allowed the women in your life show you how they need to be loved. You recognized our strengths and encouraged us to hear the Lord for our life. You have never been to proud to be molded by the Lord and that has been a model for me in even choosing my mate. Sure we've all made mistakes, but its in how you've gotten up each time, fought for truth and understanding to become a better man that has won my respect and love more than anything. You learned how to love us girls individually and how to love mom the way she was created to be loved. Your extremely patient and tender and have never settled for the status quo of what most people think a father-daughter relationship

should look like. If there's one compliment I've continually heard over the years, its how amazing that we are as close as we are as a family. Well dad, you have a lot to do with that, because you have fought for this family and gone beyond the call of duty to do what it takes to get there. You continually sacrifice for all of us, now even to include two more daughters to invest in. Thank you for never giving up on any of us. For choosing to trust us above what you might hear from others, to believe the best in us and to never give up on us.

I also want to thank you for all you've done over the last few years in loving mom the way she needs to be loved. You have learned how to become a safe place for her to bloom. She is becoming stronger in who she is and overcoming her fears and I am so proud of her. You both have a treasure in each other that is real and I've learned so much what it means to fight for something you believe in by watching how you two love each other.
I've included in this blog some of my most treasured pictures of you with the family, and yes, there are a few from the wedding, just cause you look so dashing in your tux and hat!! Plus, we talked for years about that first dance that we would share at my future wedding and now we have pictures to capture that moment in time.
So in conclusion.....I love you and you did great! (You can put this away now...)
Love, Kimberly Dawn
I sure hope no one is at the office when he reads this one. We missed you last night Kimmy. Wasn't the same without you. I agree with everything you said. He is a great daddy. Love you both.
OOOOOOOOOOkkkkaaayyyyyy! I guess I better go and put this away. Between "Then They Do" and your little "letter", I could easily be a mess at my place of work. There is really nothing I can say except Thank You. None of it would have been possible if it weren't for the incredible faithful love of God and your Mother. Fortunately, you all look as beautiful as your Mother - and you all have her spirit.. and more important than anything - if it weren't for her, I would be showing postcard-like pictures of exotic places like Bora Bora and bragging about meaningless trips to the South Pacific instead of bragging and doting on three lovely lassies that have blessed our lives in ways I could never have imagined.
It was her vision and her tireless work ethic and her everfaithfullove for me that, like God Himself, never surrendered through so many years of abuse and neglect. I speak
and read the gospel of our Lord, but she adorns it with her life. You girls (ladies,women) will raise better families and go farther than we could have dreamed.
You honor us with your very lives..
We miss you both. Love ya's DAD
PS: Kim, You're beautiful... and you write beautiful. Thank You for
this wonderful Father's Day "glog"
sheesh....you even have me crying.
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