Well today was my first day at a new job as a legal assistant with the Adams & Reese, Stokes & Bartholomew law firm. They are the largest law firm in the Southeast. They have over 800 employees in 10 different offices. And there are 34 attorneys alone in the Nashville branch. One thing I will say that is really cool, is that there are a lot of women that work in this office and that is a refreshing change from my last job with Revenue Science - there was way too much testosterone goin' on there! I support 2 attorneys, Paul Krivacka and Larry Stewart. They are both really nice guys and have been with the firm for a really long time - Larry for 26 years and Paul for 8. There's a lot of training to do for sure! I started my training today and will continue through all day tomorrow. It is a whole other world working for a law firm rather than a technology company - they have procedures for everything imaginable! I'm sure once I get the hang of it, I'll probably really enjoy it. The law offices are on the 27th & 28th floors of the building pictured above and they're located downtown just 3 blocks from where Jason works at Mortons. It's great cause I can see Jason between when I get off work and he goes into work. Tonight for instance he didn't have to be in to work till 7pm, so he cleaned up the apartment all pretty, had soft music playing in the background and cooked us up some yummy dinner. We had a good 40 minutes together to eat and talk before he headed off to work. Oh! One more thing I have to say for the benefit of my Seattle family back home...the only Starbucks in all of downtown Nashville is my building!! God is good :-) I believe He even cares about those little things :-) I'm also praying through this job, I will have more of an opportunity to meet other ladies and build some friendships. I've been getting pretty homesick and been really missing my girlfriends lately. I work next to 3 other ladies right now, Melissa, Brooke and another Melissa and they're all really nice and then I met another girl, Christina who's on the other side of the office. So, its a good start. AND, even though I'm not really supposed to get vacation for the first 90 days of being with the company, the Office Manager who hired me, Mary, she said that she would work with me on getting some vacation time around Labor Day so I could go home to see my family!! Yippee!! And our goal is that with both of us working , we hope to get ourselves a cute little starter home close to downtown in the next year.

That's all for now!
I still don't like you for taking my job but I think it is great that you have an opportunity to make new friends and I think it's way cool about Jason's songs too. Love you. I am stoked you get to come home! : )
Wow, to all of the above. I miss you so much, but it helps to hear all the good news! I will definitely be praying for Jason's songs to get into the right hands- you know I'm a big fan! I'm so glad you got a great job, and especially one where you will make friends. Have you seen Jeff and Kristin at all yet? If so- tell them hi for me! Thats so cool about Tracy Bird! I really miss Jason!!!! Just thought I'd let you know how much my guy friends (especially Ty and Rob) love and respect him- and Jeff C too. I LOVE YOU and am so excited to see you around Labor Day! No- I am not planning, or anywhere near getting kicked out- I just don't want to get lax or too comfortable. I am going to finish, and finish well!
I had a fix'n for some sweet tea today, so I made some, well the best I could...I think I might need a little school'n in the south ;) from my southern belle sister...haha.
Still no new posts..hmmm? I guess life really does move slower in the south.
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