Ok, so I have to say, this weekend was a blast! AND I even took a couple pictures.
So the weekend began of course on Friday when I got off work. Because Jason was working, I decided to putter around and do a couple errands, stop at the pharmacy, grab a Lemon-Berry CreamSlush from Sonic (my new favorite thing), get the mail...just taking my sweet little time. Then I get this phone call while I'm sitting in my car reading the mail...it's Jason. Ok, strange, its 7pm and he's calling me, he should be pretty busy by this point at work. I answer and he's like - "hey whatcha doing?" "Nothin really...errands, reading mail in the car - why?" Then he says, "just wondering how you were doing." "nu-uh, are you ok?" And he's all, "yeah" So then I get my things and start getting out of my car and he says, "Did you stop at Sonic?"...ok, kinda creepy. "Uh, maybe", I say. Then I start catching on, cause it usually takes me a little while, and I start looking around the parking lot for his truck and then I spot him, he's on the walkway to our apartment looking at me! Ha!! I walk over to him and start asking him why he's home? And the little turkey has been

trying to surprise me with having the night off so we can go out!! Yippee!!! And here I am, strolling the drugstore out of sheer boredom. Poor guy, he was home waiting for hours for me to come home. And he vacuumed! Love him. So he tells me to hurry up and get changed, which let me tell you, after being dressed up all day, I'm dying to put on my jeans. So I'm asking him what he's up to and what we're doing...and I guessed it! We're going to the drive-in!! Yeah! The drive-in is really fun in the South, because 1. its really warm out and 2. the fireflies and stars are out, which just makes the movie experience that much more fun. So we drive out to some boondocks town and watch Cars, just cause they had one screen and one showing, but it was good enough for us. We had so much fun. He had already packed up the car with blankets and pillows, we ate hot dogs and popcorn. It was such a good time.

Then Saturday comes along, the second day of our weekend. We had already planned that after Jason had done a little songwriting while I slept in, that he would come home to pick me up and we would head to either the Frist museum to see the Egypt exhibit or do a little shopping. We'll you know me, we bagged the museum and ended up shopping. He took us to downtown Franklin, which was really quite cute. The picture above is of their main street for you to see. We ate at this little bakery, where you see Jason standing outside of and then walked to a little furniture store where we fell in love with a beautiful console table!! We had to have it and we even talked the owner into taking the price lower. This is our new table inside our home - I just love it!!

After we spent the afternoon browsing through the shops, we headed off to Jason's softball games. This would be the first time he's been on the field since he moved to Seattle. Plus, with his knee surgery in early May, he hasn't really ran on his knee at all. He was pretty nervous to run on it, but it wasn't long before he was back in the groove and ran the bases twice. He almost hit a home run too, but it bounced off the back fence and right back onto the field. He played two games back to back, while I got to chat it up with the ladies in the stands. It was a beautiful warm night to be outside and so fun to finally see Jason play. Isn't he the cutest in his uniform? The teenage girls behind me took a vote on the cutest player on the field and guess who won? My hunny of course.....that's right ladies.....he's all mine :-) After the game a few of us went over to Chuck Tilly's house for a BBQ to hang out and get to know some people. And by the way, Chuck Tilly is Dolly Parton's drummer, a little sidenote for y'all. It was a long day and by the time we got home we were wiped out. But I felt very blessed to have had a whole day and a half with Jason of hanging out and doing some fun stuff.

Then today wraps up our weekend. We got up early for church and visited a place called Woodmont Christian. The church was stunningly beautiful on the inside and out, the kind of church you would see in a movie for a wedding scene. But the service itself left much to be desired. So far it was the most regimented service we had ever attended. It truly reminded me of mass....for real. We're talking hymnals, recited prayers and pews. I've included a picture of the church and that steeple is 220 ft tall!! After church we picked up our table and headed home to clean up a bit and hang out before Jason left for work. It was a really good weekend and I loved every minute of it.
I've also included some pics of our home, just cause so many of you have asked to see what it looks like. It's still a bit rough, cause we're still working on it.

Kimmy, it sounds like a great weekend, BUT you left out your favorite part, where your 'lil sis called and talked to you and your hubby. ???? lol. This weekend has been so nice here too(in the 90's!), and I love staying at the Bests'! Its been the most relaxing weekend since MC's started- complete with a nap, reading in the sun, portabello mushrooms (hehe), and a BBQ at Golden Gardens with a bunch of people, late night stop at "Dicks",tea with a friend, ice cream with mom at our new favorite ice cream shop/caffe... I miss you bunches and have been thinking bout you so much- as you know. Jason....LOVE YOU (mean it!) By the way ya'll- my brother (in-law) is pretty much the greatest... he's a big star- on the field, and the guitar. I miss you both..Kim, keep an eye on Jason with those fireflies. ;)
I want my own Jason. : (
Okay, Okay already....how about this weekend? The only thing you've got me beat on is that you get to post pictures consistently with your blogs. :) I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!
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