So this last Saturday night, I was able to go to the much anticipated concert of Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. It was such a blast! The set up of the stage was incredible - in the picture you see to the left, all that yellow is the stage and Faith Hill is coming up from a hole in the center. And all that stage is made up of small tv screens that show videos, images, colors, all kinds of cool things to make the show that much more amazing. It was also in the very center of the stadium, so there wasn't a bad seat in the house. Jason and I had a great time and I even included a picture of us at the concert to show y'all.
Overall it was a lazy weekend for the both of us. I finished another book by Kristin Hannah, which was really good and then we hung out at home on Friday night watching 3 hours of recorded episodes of my favoriate TV show, So You Think You Can Dance! I've been taping them for Jason while he's at work, because I know how much he would hate missing this show ;-) My prediction is that it will come down to Donyelle and Benji as the last two finalists and Benji will win!

Then after sleeping in on Saturday, we were supposed to go to Jason's rescheduled baseball game, but once again we were rained out. He looked over at me and said, "This is why I hate the rain". Poor guy. Instead to make him feel better we went to Opry Mills Mall and did a little shopping for me...hee hee :-) Ok, maybe it was more for me than him, but we did score some really cool stuff for super cheap and he ended up getting some great deals for himself as well.
After shopping, we rushed home to look hot for the concert. And we looked good too. See our pic? Aren't we cute? Yes, I know, I need a tan. And to complete the evening, there's nothing like a little Sonic to end a perfect day. But word of advice, don't get the Brownie Blast ice cream thing - not so good.

Sunday we slept in late and watched Derailed together before Jason headed off to work. That movie is so intense!
One last pic for you from the concert - if you look closely, this is when Tim & Faith made thier first appearance together that night, Tim on end of the stage and Faith on the other. They both came up out of the floor as well. It was awesome.
That's all for now!
That GOLF course must be in Yosemite or Yellowstone... Maybe BOWLING would be more appealing???
... or, perish the thought - baseball??..... :-)
I finally got to see your new hair cut! You two are sooo cute! Yeah, less than 4 weeks till I get to see you both! LOVE YOU!
Um...still waiting for a new comment!!!! tick, tick, tick.
You know... I was just kidding about that baseball thing.... smiley face, you know ???? As you say, Kim.... jokeing you!! Remember I was actually checking into buying tickets for the RED SOX vs Mariners... :-)
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