So another week has come and gone. We've spent the last week with Scott and Kelley McGlasson, Jason's sister and brother-in-law and were sad to see them leave yesterday. It was a busy week, but definately a good time. Jason showed them around a lot of Nashville while I was at work and then I was able to join them for an outdoor movie in the park (Remember the Titans) and breakfast at The Loveless Cafe. We were supposed to see Jason play in his first baseball game this season, but on Friday we had a pretty big storm sweep through the city, which rained out the field for Saturday. I was so bummed for him and he was pretty upset too, but it did end up getting rescheduled for this coming Saturday, so we'll go to his game before we head to the Tim & Faith concert!!! yippeee!!! (Can you tell I'm excited!?) So instead of the game, we took Scott & Kelley to the Nashville Flea Market. I had been wanting to go since our friends the Giconia's had told us all about how they found fabulous furniture deals there. It was overall a fun time, and not too hot out either. There was so much junk, but some really good finds too!! We found ourselves a large bookcase for $95 and in our favorite mahogany color. Thankfully we have a large apartment, cause we are aquiring quite a furniture collection!

Then from what Jason told me, when Scott & Kelley flew to Denver from Nashville on Monday, they were on the same flight as LoneStar. Which is the same band that had one of Jason's songs on hold for 7 months.
Monday night I was able to hear the first of 4 new songs of Jason's. It's going to be another of your favorites and he wrote it with Chuck Wicks (our friend who got a recording deal with RCA) and Mark Beeson. I can't wait to hear the other three, they're in the process of being mixed right now, but we'll have them for sure by the time we get to Seattle.
I am sorry to report that I was a total dork and didn't take any pictures this week. I know, such a loser thing to do. But I know Scott had his camera, so maybe I'll snag some pics from him to post for y'all. It was so nice to have them here, we really enjoyed the company and a chance to spend time with family. Now I'm just counting down the days till I can see my family back home as well. I've been missing them a lot the last few days.

That's all for now, I'll try to get better at getting some pics of Jason and I up on the blog, along with writing more frequently - especially since I'm always being made aware how much more my little sister Kati writes more than I do :-)
Love you all!
Those drawings still trip me out! Going to the French Quarter and hearing the performances sounds like a blast. Next time. I am excited for you to come hang out with us! I hope you sent our love to Jason's sister and her husband. We miss you too Kimmy. See you soon.
Kristin Faith
Kimmy! Still haven't seen your new hair cut..you have got to put some pictures up of it. But you are doing good at updating your blog more thesde days! I love you soooo much and miss you tons! I am getting soooo excited about seeing you....and I am trying to just stay focused on the rest of MCs! See you in about a month!!!!! :) Ohh..i really am excited to hear Jase's new songs....I hope I get my own new demo CD with his last like 8 songs..atleast! wink, wink.
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