I thought I should comment on how our 4th of July weekend went. We didn't take pictures, sorry folks. But I dug a couple up off the internet to give you an idea of how Nashville celebrates the 4th!
First, let me start off by letting everyone know - that Jason and I are coming home for a visit!!! Yippee!!! I got the vacation time approved by my attorneys and will be heading home with Jason, Wednesday, August 30th and staying through Tuesday, September 4th over the Labor Day weekend. I'm disappointed I will miss Aaron & Heidi's wedding as well as Kati's MC Graduation, but because I am still new at my job, I'm not supposed to take a vacation until working at Adams & Reese for 90 days, which I will just be at when I head out over Labor Day. But I am so excited to come home - I miss my family so much, and I really think that weekend will be a bit of a reunion for all of us, since Kati has been on the road so much with MC's and I'll have been in Nashville for a little over 4 months. Plus it will be great to have Jason with me, cause I know my family and friends very much want to see him too.
Moving on, Saturday we were very excited to entertain our first guests Eric Gallamore and his girlfriend Farrah at our home. We spent the most of the day cooking and I made my first potatoe salad, a homemade red pepper & onion dip and some southern sweet tea...and Jason cooked up some hamburgers and baked beans. Then for desert, we made strawberry shortcake. After dinner, we headed downtown to see the Sounds game (Nashville's minor league baseball team). It was a warm night out for sure. But by the time the game was over around 10pm, the temp had only dropped to 88 degrees.....hot. The four of us pulled into Sonic to refresh with some CreamSlushes and headed back home.

On Sunday, we decided to visit Belmont Church on Music Row in Nashville. When Jason first moved to Nashville years ago, he met Sara Evans, the country recording artist, and she had asked him if he had found a church yet. She had encouraged him to try Belmont where she was currently attending, so we decided to give it a shot. Finally...a place where we could drink in the Word of the Lord and worship. We both were really encouraged by how the service was held and what the minister spoke on. The speaker was thier youth pastor, Anthony Chaboya and we found his humility to be incredibly refreshing and his Biblical teaching challenging. We really enjoyed it. Especially since both Jason and I feel called to work with the youth, it was great to see how passionate and real this man was in standing behind the youth of this generation. However we plan to visit a couple more times before making any permanent decisions.

Monday, the office closed early, so I met Jason to catch an afternoon flick at the theater. We saw The Lake House, which can I just say, was a definate keeper. Sappy I know, but such a beautiful story - Kati, your going to love it, Kris, you might be a bit bored. After the movie, we headed home so Jason could get ready for work and off he went. I hung out that evening and around 10:30 headed to Mortons to wait in the bar till he closed up the restaurant. It was a slow weekend at Mortons, but God still blessed Jason with some great tips. For the 4th of July, we

slept in, which for me is no longer than 9:30 anyways, and Jason made a grubbin desert of toasted coconut crackers. It's hard to describe, but his grandmother has been making it for years and its one of his favoriates and now I can see why! We headed over to our friends, Bill & Tiffany Fay early that evening to BBQ with them and hang out. Then later, Jason and I headed back home to catch the fireworks we could see from the comfort of our own home. I will say though, next year we plan on going downtown to see the show, cause it was absolutely incredible, and supposed to be one of the biggest firework shows in the nation, with a live symphony! We caught it on TV and I was like - why are we not there!! They do it up real big, right on the river with a real steamboat in the background, country music stars singing and a huge fireworks show! I've included some pics of the fireworks so you get an idea of what's its like, though they don't do it justice.
So there ya have it, that was my weekend over the 4th!! Hope you all had a great 4th of July as well!
That sounds like a great weekend. I am so excited for you two to come visit! I think it will be a reunion for all of us because I hardly see Kati at all. I will be counting down the days.
Love you guys!
I'm excited too. I just need to be thankful for the time we do get, I just wish it could be more!!!! I really am happy that Jason is coming too. Let your Dad and I know what you plan to do, while you are here so we can be sure to set the time aside just for you. In way it's better for us that there is less things going on so we can have more family time with you and competing with Kati's graduation events!!! Yes It's Mom
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