Alright, I know I've been neglecting the poor
ol' blog over the holidays and that's mainly because I'm regularly on a computer all day every day, so taking a vacation for me literally means from even the computer itself.
But I'm back at it and fully refreshed to overload you with all that's taken place over the holidays!!!!

As I mentioned in my last post, Christmas for Jason and I fell on Monday night of December 22
nd. And to be more precise, that would be at like 1AM!!! (So really, early morning the 23rd!)
And its
extremely important to keep that specific time in mind as you look through the pictures, because it explains why I look like such a hag. I'm tired and grungy from cleaning the house before our trip :-)

So grab a cup of coffee and curl up for a spell while I take you through the
Keith's Christmas...

Jason had to use the extra big stocking for what he got me this year - tons of chocolates, mints and other yummy goodies!

He looks like he's been naughty in this picture, doesn't he?

All my stocking treats.

I put a pair of reindeer ears in Jason's stocking, so of course I had to get a picture of him wearing them.

And then Jason wanted Banks to try them on as well! She doesn't seem very happy about it, does she?

My favorite
Afracain Salt Scrub from the Body Shop and an
iTrip for my

Jason got two Brian Regan
DVD's - he was pretty excited as you can see.

And I got a yoga mat that I'd been wanting!!

Jason got a digital voice recorder for his songwriting.

This was the big gift that was hiding behind the chair cushion. He wouldn't let me open it towards the end (sound familiar Kelly family?)

He had wrapped the gift, then wrapped it again with cardboard and then wrapped it again in paper. What a goober.

Yeah - my massage chair!!!

He got some serious loves for that one!!
Ooohh! Another one??!

The box said Banana Republic and I started getting super excited :-)

A gorgeous brown wool Banana Republic Trench coat! He picked it out all by himself, my man's got shopping
skillz y'all! I was so impressed and blessed by him, that there was
definitely tears going on.
Ok, so then just a short 4 hours of sleep later, we got up and headed off to the airport to catch a couple flights and then take a 6 hour car ride to Clovis, CA to spend Christmas with the Keith family. Christmas morning comes along and I wake up to this time Jason bouncing up and down on the bed "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" To which I'm grumbling, "No, go back to sleep." He won and we joined everyone, bed-head and all to open Christmas gifts together.

And the fun began when the guys all received similar shaped gifts to open. If you know Scott & Jason, you know why they're laughing so hard.

Jason & I had bought Jerry a pick-axe while we were in town, nice
camouflaged gift-wrapping huh? The other two similar shaped gifts for Jason and Scott are these long-reaching washable lint brush/brooms that Jerry & Sherry bought us. Pretty handy if you ask me!

Jason & I bought Sherry this Snowman. Actually, once again, we had to have Kelley pick it up ahead of time for us. These are difficult things to pack or carry on a plane :-)

And Jerry got a couple Lyle
Lovett CD's from us as well.

Scott got some bear slippers and he proceeded to wear them all day. Loved it.

Here's a Christmas Sign that Jason picked out for Sherry.

Jason flipped out over the three inscribed dog collars he got from my sister Kati. They are brown leather collars with silver dog tags that have each of the dogs names on them and then Jason's cell phone number on the back. Such a great gift!

Jason and I gave Scott & Kelley a new Laundry Room sign for their new house.

And we also got them an old fashioned wood barrel ice cream maker. They LOVE ice cream.

Here's Scott
texting Kati a picture of Jason and I on the phone with the Kelly family.

Kati gave me a mechanical pastry set! Yippee!!!

And Jason was super blessed to receive two gifts, one from Lowe's from my parents and one from Home Depot from his parents so he could pick out whatever he needs. He took my parents gift card to Lowe's already and found the circular saw he'd been wanting so badly on sale! Once again, a perfect gift idea!

Yeah new American Eagle shoes from Kati! There were many other gifts that I wasn't able to get a picture of, but really Jason and I were truly blessed and spoiled by both our families and I want to thank each of you so much!!

Here's Jason...well just being Jason. I think in this one he was thinking
Samurai Warrior.

And this one was more Aunt Jemima. Boy do I love that man.

And this was me pretty much the entire Christmas vacation, curled up in a blanket in an overstuffed chair with a book and a puzzle.

The Kelly/Keith Christmas Puzzle of 2008!
Well there you have it! You're all caught up on Christmas with the Keiths! I trust all your Christmas and New Years celebrations were wonderful as well.
God Bless you all as we embark on 2009!
So much fun! That last pic of you in the chair is....totally you!!!! I love it! It looks like you had an awesome Christmas! Can't wait to see what fun things you make with your pastry set! you are so talented, I wish I could munch on all the yummies you make! Tell Jason hi from Roy and I and he cracked me up in his Aunt Jamima look! Love you guys so much and miss you like crazzzy!!
Ok really Kimberly this is WAAY too much of a weird coincidence. Clovis, CA is where I'm from!!! I told you I was jealous that you were getting to spend Christmas in CA....i didn't know you were actually going to where its home for me!! Too weird......
It's good I didn't read this earlier, I think Kris and I would have both cried. We love you guys and so miss laughing with you at Jason, lol. I am so happy you had a great Christmas, with lots of time to relax and catch up with the Keiths.
PS, you didn't look grubby in those late night pictures, you looked cute. Also, I love how in the pic where Jason and Scott are cracking up, Jerry has a totally straight face...refusing to really laugh.
Yeah, three Christmases (SP?) is just too many away. I am not a sap and I was fighting tears. I miss Jason and you too much. I am glad you had a great Christmas.
Oh I'm glad you've updated! Looks like you had a splendid Christmas, and PROPS to Jason for the adorable trench coat! It looks great.
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