With the beautiful weather outside in the upper 70's and low 80's, I'm beginning to crave good summer books to read. Some friends of mine started a book club, of which we haven't been doing so well at completing our first assignment - Pride & Prejudice. I get so easily distracted by the other books on my shelf that have I've been longing to read instead.
I've always enjoyed reading. Sometimes just the idea of picking up a new novel with a hot cup of coffee and curling up on the couch is more enjoyable than maybe the book itself. My love of books comes from my parents. My dad has always enjoyed reading - though he doesn't always have the time to read a whole lot. As way back as I can remember, Dad would sit me on his bed, pull out the Childrens Treasury of Literature, open it to the next story, lift it to his face and take a big sniff from the inside of the book, and then read to me while rubbing his knee in a circular pattern. I would be lying if I didn't say that I've often caught myself doing this very same ritual when starting a new book. I love the smell of the pages in a new book, there's something so comforting about it. As a little girl, my mom would take us to the library and we would literally fill up a box of books that we wanted to check out. Going to the library was like taking me to a candy store. I picked out as many as we could fit in that box and then once we checked them all out, we would head to the beach with books and blankets in hand and read in the sun watching the ferries go by. Those memories are some of my fondest.
I often think of those times every time I start a new book. I'm grateful to my parents for encouraging this passion of mine. I've learned so much about life and who I am just through reading.
So on with the books I've recently read:
The Pilots Wife by Anita Shreve

P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

Currently Reading:
Simply Christian by N.T. Wright

As It Is In Heaven by Niall Williams

Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

My list of summer reads is ever growing, so I need to finish these up asap so I can get started on those!! I can't wait till our family trip to the Oregon coast over the 4th! I'm for sure packing some books for the flights, drives and beach!!
I find it interesting that you mentioned mom and dad, and said "we" would go to the beach...but never mentioned the two little minions who through books in the box with you, and got sand on your blanket....
..perhaps you will mention your sisters again when you get birthday cards from them???
I'm surprised you liked the Pilot's Wife, I loved it--- and couldn't put it down- until I had to THROW IT!
Also, I think we should pick out a book (probably a shorter one) that we can read on the drive from Portland to the beach house maybe? nah, we'll porbably end up talking, but it would be kind of fun to have everyone take turns reading it out loud through the drive.
Love you!
ps that pic of the little girl is so cute, I can see it being one of the old pics of you!
I loved the movie.. "P.S., I LOVE YOU"!! I saw it separately with both Kris and Kati.. and I just bought it so Lorette and I can see it. It's a keeper.. :-) Dad
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